Another recent death, though following some years of ill health, was that of Albert Hunt who we interviewed in 2009. Though struggling with failing memory and prompted by his wife the stalwart Dorothy he gave a fascinating account of his work with Bradford Art College Theatre Group and beyond. See our Interviewee page for more and the Guardian Obituary. Members of the SCUDD (Standing Conference of University Drama Depts) mailbase shared their responses:
‘I am sure that many colleagues will be saddened by the news that Albert Hunt has died recently. He was widely admired for his radical theatre making, writing, film/TV productions, as a highly innovative educator and more. He will be greatly missed for his singular contribution to creative work that made a democratic difference. Truly a one off.’
Baz Kershaw
Emeritus Professor
School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
University of Warwick, UK
‘Sad news indeed.
The titles of first two chapters of Hopes for Great Happenings ought to stand as mottos for what we try and do and achieve:
Portrait of the educator as a sceptical barbarian
Towards a cheerful and militant learning.
RIP…and thank you.
Prof. Paul Kleiman
Visiting Professor Middlesex University and Rose Bruford College’
‘He was an inspiration I had the pleasure and privilege of working with him on Third Theatre’s Guernica and Just War? back in the early 90’s. The theatre of the people has lost an ally.’
Philip Knight
‘Albert was truly inspiring and a very caring and compassionate man.’