Books – You don’t know what you want, do you? by Jane Arden


You don’t know what you want, do you? by Jane Arden. Polyantric Press, 1978

The last work, before her death in 1982, published by the actress, playwright and screenwriter, is hard to categorise – part dialogue, part poem, part game, it is an attack on the power of RAT, the RATional mind and its power to dominate and control cheating us of our natural responses to life. Jane Arden was the author of Vagina Rex and the Gas Oven (1969), the first play to emerge from Women’s Liberation Movement and founder of Holocaust women’s theatre company. Her films with director Jack Bond: AntiClock (1979), Separation (1967) and The Other Side of the Underneath (1972) with extracts from Unfinished Histories interviews with Sheila Allen and Natasha Morgan and an essay, ‘Chasing Jane’ by Susan Croft, were issued on DVD by the BFI in 2009.

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