New Interviewee web pages have recently gone up for: Michael Almaz (Artaud Company, Cafe Theatre) Ros Asquith (Inter-Action, City Limits) ED Berman (Inter-Action) Sarah Evans (Theatrescope) Julie Holledge (Broadside Mobile Workers’ Theatre, Women’s Theatre Group, Mrs Worthington’s Daughters) Annabel Leventon (La MaMa, Freehold) Libby Mason (Red Ladder, Theatre Centre) Mary Moore (designer – Women’s Theatre Group, Mrs Worthington’s Daughters, Low Moan Spectacular) Beth Porter (Wherehouse La MaMa) Coming soon: Gavin Richards (Ken Campbell Roadshow, Belt and Braces) Jan Dungey (Cunning Stunts) Patrick Barlow (Inter-Action, National Theatre of Brent) Jane Boston, Tasha Fairbanks, Deb Trethewey, Jude Winter (Siren Theatre Company)